Sunday 21 November 2010

Audience Feedback - Last Stage (Finished)

These are the questions we asked our audience after we had finished all of our editing.

1. What is your overall opinion on the finished product?
- Well constructed.
- Nothing Special
- Quite Good
- Relaxed and Calm
- Good
- I think it is good
- It's alright

2. Is there anything that you did not like?
- The birds
- The rock throwing
- The way one of the band members dances
- Singer not blonde
- The stone part
- Black and white clips
- Old fashioned feeling

3. Is it clearly showing a narrative/ performance concept?
          Yes - 6       Maybe - 1      No - 0

4. What do you think of the effects we have used?
- Few and far between but fit in well.
- Perfect Use
- Slow motion worked well
- Appropriate not over used
- Good loved the ending
- There ok
- It's alright

5. Did you like the fact that we did not use many effects?
             Yes - 6         No - 1

6. Do the Poster and CD sleeve look cohesive to the Finished Music Video?
        Yes - 5         Maybe - 1       No - 1

7. What is your opinion of our chosen band?
- Ok
- They seem alright
- Really liked them.
- Seem nice enough
- They are quite scruffy
- They are good
- I don't like their music

8. Would you be interested in the album after you watched the Music Video?
- No I don't like the song
- No
- I'd have to listen to their other songs first
- If the melodies were similar perhaps yes
- Probably because I love indie.
- Maybe a free download.
- No it's not what I normally listen to.

9. How would you rate the finished product out of 5?(circle answer)

- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3------ 3 people
- 4------ 3 people
- 5------ 1 person

10. What Genre would you think this music video relates to?
            Indie - 6          R&B - 1

11. Does the tempo of the music fit in with the imagery?
             Yes - 6      Maybe - 1      No - 0

12. Can you spot out our Post Modern element?
              None - 2
              One   - 5
              Both  - 0

13. Do you like the design and the layout of our finished poster and CD sleeve?
                  Yes - 5               No - 1

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