CD Sleeve Analysis - Eminem Encore
Front Cover Inside Sleeve
Genre: Eminem’s music is traditionally rap, A fast flowing music style. He has worked with other genres but is most famous for his rap. This album cover is on one of his more famous rap albums.
Connotations: This album cover is a deep blue colour, blue normally represents calmness and is more relaxed colour than others. This is a complete contrast to the music within this album. The artist is wearing a dark suit which makes him blend more into the background. Darker colours are more eerie which matches the characters style and the lyrics within his music.
Representation: In this album cover the representation is clear. The front cover shows the artist bowing and appreciating the audience, however I have included the inside sleeve in this analysis because it shows the reverse shot which shows him with a gun. The representation of the gun is common in rap and creates a good contrast to the representation of the character. This album cover gives him a contrast in representations, on one hand he seems to be like a normal person appreciating the fans and on the other hand it seems that he is losing it and possibly violent. The second representation is very stereotypical of rap as many videos and album covers include the use of a gun.
Technique: This album cover shows a performance based picture. A lot of Eminem’s music video’s are performance based. The videos often are narrative based while showing him performing.
Mise-en-Scene: The mise-en-scene of the
CD sleeve is what you would expect from a music artist. They are on stage bowing to the audience. The front rows of the audience are included to make sure you see who he is bowing too. Alone this would be normal if you then compare it too the inside sleeve of the reverse shot the key focus is the gun, this gives you a completely different outlook on the representation of the character.
Opinion: In my opinion this is a good CD cover as it has a contrast from the front cover to the inside sleeve and it isn’t just a picture it poses a question and is more intriguing than other CD sleeves. It seems to me that looking at either cover is looking from different perspectives, the front cover is the audience and listener perspectives and the inside sleeve is the artists perspective. The album cover does meet the expectations of the genre and the music the artist has on the album.